Decision Accelerator Innovation Lab — Rapid Group Decision-Making on Strategies, Products, Services & Business Models

Fast cycle-time innovation and rapid decision-making represent significant challenges for most organizations. At the heart of the problem lies that fact that too much data, too little insight, differing viewpoints, and a lack of engaging collaborative processes all inhibit the kind of group interactions that drive breakthroughs.

Without a guiding structure, the right physical environment and the models, tools and facilitation that support accelerated decision-making and alignment, teams are often left adrift, struggling to find solutions to problems and opportunities. This is especially problematic when the issues and opportunities relate to business growth and innovation, since quick decisions and alignment around evolving business models, strategies, and time-to-market issues are critical for success.

Questions that keep you awake at night:

  • How can we accelerate our innovation of new products, services, and business models?
  • How do we engage diverse stakeholders in ways that both create breakthroughs and drive alignment and action?
  • How do we give people an experience that shifts their mental models around innovation and business growth?

InnovationPoint’s Decision Accelerator engages your teams, groups and key stakeholders in highly experiential, collaborative processes that accelerate decision-making and alignment around critical issues and opportunities.

Each Decision Accelerator session involves a set of highly orchestrated experiential processes that take place in a customized physical environment designed to provide the optimal space for engaging groups in creative exploration, analysis, decision-making, and action planning. Sessions utilize methodologies that span from strategy to implementation, and can include external Thought Leaders who provide creative stimulus and subject matter expertise.

Hot topics for Decision Accelerator sessions often include:

  • Consumer & Customer Experience Design
  • Business Model Design
  • Strategy Development for Growth
  • Organizational Designs for Innovation
  • Industrial Design for Competitive Advantage

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